good - day :D

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thanks, glad to see you!


New One

Hello! I move to ; visit comment and put it on your link list! Hope you love it! See ya :D



Tidak dikehendaki tapi pernah ada.
Pernah ada untuk tertawa, menangis, meringis.
Untuk membantu dan menyusahkan.

Lalu pergi.
Saat dirasa sudah hilang peran.
Saat kesabaran sudah habis dikoyak kenyataan.
Cuma bisa berdiri jauh sebagai teman.

Kalau nanti nuraninya bicara.
Suatu hari, dia akan sadar dia sudah kehilangan suatu bagian penting hidupnya.

Desember 08.

Ini tulisan terakhir saya di ~ mau udahan ah, ntar bikin blog baru yang lebih asik. Sampai ketemu teman, cheers!


kaya dulu lagi.

From sketchbook to digital design, this pict make me remember about how I am in a year ago. When I was so young and desperate of world, and now I feel it again. Stressed out with exam, school, family problem, and fvcking lovelife. And it makes me extremely change my tracklist from Goodnight Electric and Homogenic to The Used and Jolly Jumper's songs. Dunno what to do, just feel like I'm the dying and bloody tree.

anno 2005 - 2008

missing the moment with you all.


Thanks God.

Today, I'm in half of lost my mobile phone and camera digital. Thanks God, you save me with this fast-walking-skills and that toilet urgent -LOL. Alhamdulillah.

The best? haha :D

Let me tell you about this boy. He is one of my schoolmate. He is soooo hyperactive and silly. Heheheh. I think there is something wrong in his brain, he's abnormal. Hem. In the first time, I think I like him more than just a friend, but everything has change now, we're best pals. So why I give a title 'The Best' in this post? Okay, I tell you some story :)

One day..
Him : Would you mind if I take something from you? (With serious face that I've never seen before)
Me : No.
Actually, he just wanna say, "Would you give me some tissue?" akh why that silly thing became so serious to say? You're so crazy, boy!

Than yesterday......
I'm in front of class, gave some information about next-month planning. Than he stood beside me. Just two of us, me and him. And I said, "What are you doing here? Just sit down there! We're look like in wedding ceremony hahahahaha" Than guess what? He said, "Yes we are hahaha" HEEEEEE? "Oh no, just kidding. I'm your bodyguard." zzzzz I don't know whats on your mind so you can make surprise like that..

The Best, I mean he is the best to make me laugh even the way he made it so bad. Hahahaha. Don't think that I'm in love with him, we're bestfriend! and in fact, he's already have girlfriend. I know it sounds silly and he do it as usual, but, still, you're the best! ;)


Need A Shoulder to Cry On.

"Maafin Mama ga bisa jadi yang terbaik buat Arien. Mama udah ga tahan ditindas terus ama Aa, mau udahan aja. Kita harus kuat ya hidup bertiga, Insya Allah kita bisa........"

"Dulu Mama pikir kalo Mama punya suami, ada yang membimbing kalian. Ternyata malah kaya gini....."

Well, what do you think? Ibu saya mau cerai lagi. Kalo iya berarti mimpi mimpi saya bakal terbang semua ga balik lagi. Please, I NEED A SHOULDER TO CRY ON. :(